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Remote workers to get free access to local digital hubs

By June 10, 2022No Comments

The Government is announcing a series of new initiatives to support remote working.

A voucher scheme will give remote workers free access to local digital hubs and provide at least 10,000 hot desk facilities free of charge to existing hub users and those availing of the facilities for the first time.

The scheme will initially provide three days of hub use per person between now and the end of August.

There are now 242 remote working hubs across the country.

Workers can book an office or desk space in their local hub through an app called ‘Connected Hubs’ and the average cost of using the hubs is between €15-€20 a day.

Minister for Rural and Community Development Heather Humphreys is also announcing an investment of €5 million to improve 81 remote working facilities nationwide.

Works will include the expansion of existing hubs, installation of privacy booths, access control and security systems, the conversion of existing open plan space to modular offices, and provision of podcast studios, enhanced audio visual, networking and conferencing facilities.

“This scheme is designed to add remote working capacity at hubs and Broadband Connection Points across the country, to make more space for remote workers and to improve the quality of the facilities and their services,” Ms Humphreys said.

The Government is also announcing the provision of €50,000 in funding to each local authority under the Town and Village Renewal Scheme.

The money will be used to fund marketing campaigns and promote local remote working opportunities.

Article Source – Remote workers to free access to local digital hubs – RTE – Brian O’Donovan

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