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New website to help Irish businesses welcome Ukrainian refugees

By March 22, 2022No Comments

A new website has been launched that will allow Irish businesses to make “welcome offers” of free or discounted goods to people fleeing the war in Ukraine.

The ‘Tech For Good Dublin’ community has established the new site which is called ‘’.

‘Pryvit’ means hello in Ukrainian and the aim of the not-for-profit initiative is to allow people who have been displaced by the war to access special offers and discounted goods listed by Irish businesses.

The website facilitates companies across Ireland to place a ‘welcome offer’ of discounted or free goods or services to those arriving in Ireland from Ukraine.

Examples could include deals from all types of businesses, including grocery shops, cafés, gyms and pharmacies.

The offers on the site are listed in both Ukrainian and English.

“The tech community in Ireland is horrified by the war in Ukraine and wants to welcome those arriving here in such difficult circumstances,” said Máirin Murray, co-founder of Tech for Good Dublin.

“ is a simple idea that allows businesses to offer a helping hand through a welcome offer for their goods or services to Ukrainian refugees,” she added.

Article Source – New website to help Irish businesses welcome Ukranian refugees – RTE – Brian O’Donovan

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